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How to Build an App the Smart Way

If you haven’t already read it, click here for my article about building a prototype. You must understand that process before continuing to read this article.

Before the Lean Startup was written, the standard practice was to create full-blown applications immediately – often based only on assumptions. I think we’re at a stage in tech where the ability to test assumptions even earlier than MVP is a very responsible and pragmatic step – hence my recommendation to sell early adopters from a prototype.

The other advantage of a prototype is that it will demonstrate how the product will work, making it a lot easier to write the specifications for your MVP. The prototype will reduce the costs of MVP development due to greater certainty about the result you want to achieve.

Remember, your MVP should only be testing one or two key assumptions. Dropbox carefully followed this formula. Dropbox’s critical assumption was whether people wanted to synchronise files across their devices. Simple right?

That is the name of the game. Simple. Don’t try to build a product with features on top of features. The aim of your MVP is not necessarily to release your product into the market, only to your early adopters.

I recommend that you have specifications for your MVP drafted by a tech company independent of your development company. The MVP specification documents will form part of the development contract. It will be added to the contract’s schedule and constitute the ‘services’ the developer will provide.

Get Quotes from Developers

Once your specification documents are created, you are ready to go to market to get quotes from development companies. I recommend that you use Australian developers. The talent in Australia is fantastic. It is tempting to take it offshore to Eastern Europe. However, you have greater control over the job when it is done onshore, especially if you want to enforce the contract.

If you have software developed in the Philippines, you may as well kiss your contractual rights goodbye. Language barriers can also cause significant problems in developing nations. It can be frustrating with excuses such as ‘holidays’, ‘power outages’, ‘floods’, ‘typhoons’, etc.

Don’t get me wrong – there’s incredible talent in all countries – but it can be time-consuming to find the right ones to make it worthwhile.

No MVP has ever been perfect – it will have bugs. Be sure to use responsive developers who can fix bugs as soon as possible after you receive feedback from the early adopters. Early adopters must see you listening to them and responding to their suggestions.

I believe Australian developers are undertaking more work than ever before. The decline of the Australian dollar has likely had much to do with that.

Getting It into the Hands of Users

Remember, the idea behind the MVP is to learn a great deal of valuable information in a short period with minimal expenditure. Accordingly, it would be best if you took the time to get it into the hands of your ideal client and then compare and contrast the data and feedback. Gaining the data and feedback will provide you with the necessary information to validate whether or not your assumptions are correct.

The data and feedback will also provide the information you need to continue developing a killer product without which users can’t live. All because you were smart enough to listen to what they wanted!

When reaching out to early adopters, be careful about who you choose. The initial users for your MVP should fit squarely into your target market. They should be the ones you believe are the most likely to use your product.

Ideally, you should have had pre-sales from your prototype and continue to get it into the hands of as many users as possible to make the data and feedback you receive as conclusive as possible. However, at the same time, you should ensure your team can handle the support of those users. As we mentioned earlier, your MVP will have problems, and it is best to deal with them as soon as possible.

Testing Assumptions

This stage is about testing assumptions, but there is another reason you want to ensure that your first users LOVE what you do: testimonials. It would be best to work as hard as possible to make your first users into raving fans. It is highly persuasive when you display testimonials on your website and reviews on your app, product, or service. But it would be best if you worked for them. So get those five-star reviews!

You should also not make the mistake of getting your friends and family as users. If you want to reach some impartial MVP users, the best way is to infiltrate groups on Facebook and LinkedIn or even direct message people. If you send direct messages to people, ensure it doesn’t look like a cut-and-paste message. Read their profiles and include something relevant to them – and it is polite but not too formal.

For example, if you are direct messaging key people, be genuine and write like this:

“Hi Sarah, I also work in the Yoga industry (and I live in Brisbane too!). I have been working on a new Yoga App. I would value your expert feedback on what I am creating if you have 5 minutes to chat over the phone. 



p.s. This is NOT a tricky marketing/sales tactic. I dislike that kind of thing myself.”

If you are posting in a Facebook or LinkedIn group, it is better to be more direct. For example,

Hi everyone, I am building an exciting new yoga app designed for busy mums too busy to make it to a yoga studio. I am looking for some BETA testers who want to try it out and give me honest feedback.



When you develop your MVP and acquire your first users, your goal should not only be developing a great product. Your goal should also be building relationships with your clients, contractors and staff. You need to take care of those relationships, and the product or service will be easier to develop.

Remember: You can still apply this methodology if you sell a service. Start by sketching your system processes on paper and assign team roles with each stage. These sketches will get your mind moving into ‘solution mode’. Branding your unique service to separate yourself from your competition is also a good idea. For example, I branded the 6-Stage Startup System.

Related article: The Cheapest Way to Build an App.

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