Scaling vs Growth – What is the Difference?
Scaling vs Growth – The Facts We hope you find this article helpful. If it is, please share this on social media to help us keep publishing this free, helpful content for founders. Scaling? Don’t You Mean Growth? Scaling and...
Guide to Scaling Startups Internationally
There are many aspects of scaling startups internationally such as intellectual property protection, offices, staff and infrastructure, that founders quickly get advice on. I will review some of the most common issues startups face when scaling their companies internationally. Tax...
How to Tell if a Startup is Ready to Scale
The preparation of the following areas will help your company be ready to scale: Document management Due diligence Business process management Legal documentation Let us look at other indicators that your company is ready to reach the next level. The...
The Ultimate Guide to Key Performance Indicators
[lwptoc] Before scaling, you need to ensure that the processes and procedures within your business are working optimally. If your startup is not operating like a well-oiled machine, it can cause havoc when you begin to scale. The Ultimate Key...
How to Hire the Right Team to Scale
Your team is the most critical component of scaling. When you are getting ready to scale, the hiring process becomes a little more complicated because you will seek expertise in strategy and management. When hiring during the scaling phase, you...
Steps to Scale A Startup
Steps to scale a startup should only be taken after the startup has the right team, the suitable business model, product-market fit and traction. Scaling before you have those things in place can put your company in danger. According to...
How to Sell a Digital Product Online for at Least $100,000 per Month
I have seen a lot of videos on how to sell a digital product online. Many have the ulterior motive of selling their software or platforms. This is not to say that their training courses have no value – some...
Burn Rate vs Churn Rate – How to Calculate Burn and Churn Rates
In this article, we will compare the differences between burn and churn rates. These metrics are used to measure the negative attributes of a business. It is essential to know these numbers so you can put safeguards in place. This...
Bank Accounts and other Money Matters
Once you have your startup structure in place, you will need to establish a bank accounts in your company’s name. To do this, you will need to take your company incorporation documents and your identification to the bank to establish...
The Cheapest and Easiest Way to Build an App
If you would like to develop your App and you are price-sensitive, there is exciting new technology emerging that allows you to build at a cheaper cost. One of the emerging leaders in budget platforms is called Bubble. This incredible...