How to Find Product-Market Fit by Gregory Duffell
Many entrepreneurs find themselves with a brilliant product (in their viewpoint) but no real market – a product-market misfit. Let’s get this very clear it is about the MARKET and how your product fits into and enhances the value of...
A Structured Blueprint for Success
READY FROM DAY 1: Technological transformation is the new norm. Business models are continuously being redefined. New companies launch and fail on a daily basis. If giant corporations like Blockbuster or Nokia haven’t managed to survive disruption, how can startups...
Ultimate Guide to Habits of Successful People
Where Nik has appeared: [lwptoc] How to Create Bulletproof Habits Habits are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can be an incredibly powerful tool for progress. On the other hand, by automating our behavior, they erode our free...