Trade Mark Search Tips
Google search is the best way to uncover any unregistered trade marks that you need to be aware of. Trade marks that have not already been registered do not usually pose as much risk as trade marks that have. Unregistered marks are generally used by small businesses or individuals that sometimes don’t understand the importance of registering their mark or don’t think about doing so. Beware though: unregistered trade mark owners can still have their rights enforced against a registered mark. So get proper advice. When searching Google, enter the name you are checking for availability into the search box in inverted commas. For example, if you want to check if anyone is using the phrase MacroBits, you would enter this into the Google search box: “MacroBits”. Google will then search for that exact phrase. This search is more precise. Remember, a trade mark can exist for a product or group of words as well as a company name. So be careful. Now that you understand why it is best to register a company, it is worth considering adding an additional company for asset protection and tax benefits. In the next section, we will discuss how you can use this to your advantage. Click here for a trade mark lawyer.